Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-21

  • RT @kennyconley: CMO: #kidmin Email yourself… in the future! /// Great Scott Marty! #
  • Reformatted my iPhone it is WAY faster, and less buggy. #
  • RT @jwmoss: @samluce reformat or restore??/// Restore actually, my bad #
  • Why is it that I like every kind of music including Taylor Swift but loath Rap and hardcore? #
  • The Best of New York City – #kidmin #NYC #fb #
  • Bout to watch Nacho Libre with my sons. What an amazing piece of film. #fb #
  • I am the gatekeeper of my own destiny. I will have my glory day in the hot sun. @nacholibre #fb #
  • RT @funnymandan: It Has Begun /// WooooooooHooooooo! Congrats FMD! #kidmin #cmconnect #
  • RT @funnymandan My Princess is amazing and doing fine. I am now wondering like crazy if it is a Boy or a Girl! #ithasbegun // It is a girl #
  • RT @funnymandanITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!! /// I knew it! She's beautiful you both are so blessed. Life will never be the same. Congrats my friend. #
  • RT @napkinideas: NapkinConf is limited to the 1st 400 #kidmin. Signups going fast. Reseve ur spot today 4 just $10 @ #
  • RT @evernote: Using Evernote 2 create the ultimate post-conference reference guide: //Gr8 tips for #kidmin conferences #
  • Managing a project in google wave. Great info for all #kidmin #
  • Sometimes I wonder if I am the only #kidmin who edits children's curriculum while listening to punk rock. #
  • You #kidmin people are to funny. With all your musical taste but @mikeshipman Celine? Really? And @jonathancliff yes indie folk is strange #
  • Very tired and it's only Wed. = not good! #fb #
  • RT @jackalopekid: it's the same deal, just doesn't let u add stuff to it. Weird /// Hate it already. Look at us we sound like FaceBookers #
  • Guest Blogging for FMD: The complications of multiplication #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Almost home long day. Had some amazing meetings with @hayesandrew and the Albany team. It a blessing to serve in #kidmin with them. #
  • RT @d_w_scott: You girly #kidmin 's listen to your Indie Folk. I'm working to P.O.D. today. ///// Ha! Rock it Dave! Love it! #
  • RT @funnymandan: @evastringleman Never knew u were a 1 blog girl? If that's the case drop me and @samluce & stick w/ @kidinspiration /agreed #
  • Does anyone know where I can buy CD's of Orange conference general sessions and breakouts? #orangetour @OrangeLeaders @danscott77 @cnieuwhof #
  • Painting and listening to @jimwideman 's club lessons. #kidmin #

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