Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-12

  • Better late than never. September cheat sheets are avalible for download. #kidmin #cmconnect #
  • Drinking coffee from The Roasting Plant in NYC thinking how it may be better than stumptown! #fb #
  • RT @tonymorganlive: who needs business cards when you could have john's new wordpress theme? /// John is so the man! #
  • Reading @jimwideman #kidmin leadership book, eating pizza and drinking a San Peligrino. Lov'n it. #
  • Driving to church for sat. Night #kidmin listening to @andystanley message on faith, hope, and luck #
  • So tired. #fb #
  • I really hate Fantasybaseball today! #fb #
  • Found this by the contractor check-out line. Product placement matters! #
  • RT @ktsam: My 4 yr old's prayer request "That I learn to make more transformer sounds with my throat." /// that is why kids rock, love it! #
  • Watching The Electric Company with my son. His first time and my first time in 24 years #fb #
  • RT @loswhit: As a leader of creatives, remember, they don't necessarily want you to be right, as much as they want you to be clear. #
  • My oldest son starts school for the first time tomorrow. Any advice for a first timer? #
  • Top Ten #Kidmin Resources #cmconnect #
  • Just picked up my son from pre-K, then had lunch at Vinnies. Kids are a riot. I made it the whole day without crying. #kidmin #
  • My Son's First Day: #fb #cmconnect #
  • My #10 #kidmin resource: #cmconnect #kidmin #fb #
  • RT @funnymandan: One of my favorite blogs has just had a facelift. is by the genius @kidinspiration //agreed! #kidmin #
  • Watching Mark Beason from Granger on #thenines check it out here #
  • Pray that I hear God’s voice every day and that I have faith and courage to obey Him. @scotthodge// good stuff #thenines #
  • RT @r_frank: Is it just me or is spam on Twitter getting worse? /// it is getting worse #
  • Values are constant our culture needs to evolve. Craig Groeschel #thenines #
  • Thinking about how I can better delegate authority. #kidmin #thenines #
  • RT @mbstockdale: When God allows a brook to dry up, He's going to move you to a new assignment. @StephenFurtick #thenines #
  • Leonard has some Sweet hair #thenines #
  • fistbump to @scottwilliams speaking right now about diversity. Good stuff. #thenines #
  • Getting really frustrated with twitter spammers! #fb #
  • RT @_Lowedown If you lock your tweets for about a week and then unlock them again it cuts down on the spam considerably.//great suggestion #
  • Locking my tweets for a bit to cut down on spam. #kidmin #
  • Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #9 check it out #cmconnect #kidmin #fb #
  • Just got off the phone with a amazing guy doing stuff that will blow take home papers out of the water. Crazy cool parent connection tool. #
  • Just got off the phone with a amazing guy doing stuff that will blow take homes out of the water. Crazy cool parent connection tool. #kidmin #
  • RT @gina_mcclain: New Blog Post: Most Important Tool #kidmin Can Use ///Great tool check it out. #
  • Nice. Tarp money well spent. Yea America, Yea Acorn. via @addthis #
  • Writing, tired but trying to finish an article for a friend. #fb #
  • Thinking about 9/11 and how 19 EVIL men changed our world. What if 19 GOOD men got focused on one thing! Collaboration has power. #kidmin #
  • YouTube Friday: Happy Birthday Jesus #kidmin #cmconnect #
  • Going online to buy my son a copy of the Jesus Story Book Bible #JSBBible #kidmin #

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