Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #10 The iPhone

I have owned many phones but none like the iPhone. I think every kids pastor should own an iPhone (or a smart phone of some type). I being a mac cool-aid drinker think everyone should own a mac. Anywho. Let me tell you why I have found my iPhone an indispensable tool of my trade.

YouVersion – I use the app on my phone as my daily bible reading plan. I love that I can read my daily bible reading plan without having to find the card that has my verses for the day on it. I love how I can switch translations, bookmark verses and leave notes for myself about what I am reading.

Push email – I love being able to get all my email go to my gmail account then pushed to my iPhone. I could not live without it.

Calender – My church calender syncs with my iCal so when i put stuff in my iphone it syncs to my computer via my .ME account and then is synced to my church calendar. Love it.

Tweetie – By far the best twitter app for the iPhone. Helps me keep up with and in contact with all my #kidmin peeps

Facebook app – helps me keep in contact with all my kids workers who do not twitter (yet).

Things – This is my todo app. I also syncs with the Things application on my computer. Best todo list program out there. Great interface extremely intuitive.

Evernote – love this free note taking app. It has to be one of the most powerful apps for the iphone. You can use the app on your iPhone, download an application for you computer, or go to their site online. So you can access your stuff from literally anywhere. The most powerful thing this app does is allow you to search all of your notes not just by the title but by the content, including pictures you upload into evernote. For example after orange I had quite a few handouts, and pages of handwritten notes from breakout sessions what do I do with those? Enter evernote, you simply take a picture of your notes and all the content becomes search able, even your handwritten stuff, crazy and I love it.

Bottom line – Whatever phone you use find one that will help you be productive and stay connected.

4 thoughts on “Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #10 The iPhone”

  1. Love my iPhone as well. The app store really brings some incredible value to an already great phone.

    Not sure if you are doing these in order as the iPhone being at the bottom of your top 10 list, but if so, I can’t wait to see what you have in there for number 1.

  2. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (September 2009) « Dad In The Middle

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