Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-08

  • Thinking about nicknames for Claudia. How about Chipotle? #fb #
  • RT @mattguevara: not convinced that #kidmin needs is new curriculum – need new model of sharing, accessing, & remixing it. //// amen #
  • Watching a movie. A protective dad sending his girl on her 1st date. Dad says to the boy. "whatever you do to my daughter I do to you." Ha! #
  • RT @garethgilpin: This is Oregon //// keep porland weird! #
  • Watching "The Devil Wears Prada" has to be my favorite Chick Flick of all time. #fb #
  • Tired just chased my 2yr old around the zoo. #fb #
  • Loads of deadlines this week. Not much time to twitter. #
  • Working on a #kmag article for Dec. I know its almost 1am but that's when things are finally quite and I can actually think! #kidmin #
  • Going to bed. 1/3 of the article done and on virtual paper 2/3 still bouncing around in my head. #kidmin #kmag #
  • In staff meeting. Planning fall stuff for our church. #fb #
  • RT @d_w_scott: Good staff meeting and lunch today. Back at the office working on this week's fall launch. #kidmin /// Wow! My day exactly. #
  • You who are strong in the faith lend a hand to those who falter, and not do what is most easy 4 us. Strength is 4 service, not status.Rom 15 #
  • Working on 252 stuff for September. #kidmin #
  • #kidmin I want to start doing a group order for our church (vituepack). How do I get the bulk price? Does my church have to front the money? #
  • Do your values translate to a personal level? #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Congratulations to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. On becoming our first hispanic justice. #
  • Yankees Score! So sweet especially against the Red Sox! #fb #
  • The Yanks are killing the ball. I don't know what is greater my love for the Yankees or my hate for the Red Sox. #fb #
  • #whentwitterwasdown I fell off the stage i was singing on. #
  • Finishing up a K! mag article and talking to @funnymandan via the twitter. If you don't follow FMD you need to. He is a #kidmin genius. #
  • Do you have a lot of stuff but no experts. #fb #kidmin #cmconnect #

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