New Blog In Town.

Well not really. My friend Ryan Frank has been blogging for a while but he launched his new blog yesterday. He already has tons of great content. (How does he do that)

Ryan is a great guy who really has his finger on the pulse of what is going on in kids ministry. His blog and magazine are both layed out well and are filled with great stuff that is both practical and insightful.

Here are a couple of posts he has up already.

8 Reasons Why I twitter

I’ve been on Twitter for about 6 months now and I love it. Here are 8 reasons why.

1. Twitter allows you to meet new people. Obvious, I know. The open “follow” is one of Twitter’s coolest features. Unlike Facebook, you don’t have to be accepted as a friend to start communicating. A simple “follow” is enough (unless you have protected your updates).

2. Twitter is simple. It does one small thing, and does it well. Twitter answers one question: What are you doing? In 140 characters you keep up with what others are doing and let others know what you’re up to.

3. Twitter doesn’t sell ad space on their site (at least for now). It’s very clean and pure

4. Twitter gives you instant feedback. I’ve asked questions on Twitter and have heard back from people within 30 seconds. Amazing. [To read the rest of the article click here]

Your First 12 Months in Children’s Ministry

People starting in children’s ministry often ask me what they should focus on the first 12 months of their ministry. Here are ten essentials.

1. Build solid connections with leadership. Set a weekly meeting time with your pastor. If you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen.

2. Choose your battles carefully. As the old saying goes, “major on the major and minor on the minor.” I’ve been the children’s pastor at my church for 12 years and I still have to choose my battles carefully.

3. Set a pattern of God first, family second, and ministry third. You have to establish this pattern from week one. Guard your day off. Let your spouse and kids know that they are more important to you than your job. [To read the rest of the article click here]

You still here? Stop reading my blog go read his.

3 thoughts on “New Blog In Town.”

  1. Anthony, you win the prize! He’s been blogging some stuff for about a month now, but yesterday was the launch. He didn’t write it all in one day. Trust me. 😉

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