Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-23

  • RT @chicowoo: My wife just said “kids make it hard to be a good mom” LOL #
  • Working on simplifying my categories on my blog. A bit of free advice START SIMPLE/STAY SIMPLE. #
  • Watching Survivor. Still want to be on either Survivor or The Amazing Race at some point. #fb #
  • I am looking for a good weekend evaluation tool. Any #kidmin tweeps using something good? #
  • What a crazy cool time to be in #kidmin God is up to some big things! #
  • Great talk with @mikefjohnson an amazing kids pastor from an amazing church. He’s been doing this for 16 years. I can learn alot from him #
  • Going home. Productive day got loads of #kidmin statergery done. #
  • RT @mikepfs: WiFi for the Friendly Skies #
  • Yanks win 7 strait! Wooot! #
  • Was watching the Yanks. Who did better on American idol Kris or Adam. #
  • Just joined a twibe. Visit to join #
  • Hey make sure all you #kidmin peeps wish @mattmckee a big birthday wish! #
  • Simon is pissed #American idol #
  • RT @r_frank: Rec’d email: “I can’t tell you how much your magazine has helped me..its relevant to ministry, even in a small church.” #kidmin #
  • Just found a bunch a new #kidmin peeps to follow. Very cool. #
  • RT @chicowoo: New blog post: Why I Don’t Like Crabs and My Thoughts about Francis Chan being a Sell out. amen #
  • Hey Fellowshipone Peeps looking for a report that gives me all the Parent email addresses for my kids. #FellowshipOne #
  • Thank you @Coldplay for free music. Love it! #fb #
  • Hot date with my wife. Looking at funiture. Perrrrrr #
  • A little bit a heaven in upstate NY! #
  • RT @kennyconley: @samluce isn’t on the show today. He’s on a date with his wife… now I feel like a turd. 🙂 /// turd that’s to funny! #
  • “you can be so careful your behind and so cautious your irrelevant” – @andystanley #
  • If I could ask @andystanley one question: “How do you take complex ideas and both consistently and concisely break them down practically.” #
  • Had a great day with my wife now about to watch “Tales of Desperaeux” #fb #
  • If I could ask @andystanley one question: “How do you take complex ideas and both consistently and concisely break them down practically.” #

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