Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-25

  • RT @soulpancake: Is Sex Strictly An Animal Impulse Or Does It Affect Our Souls? #
  • RT @kennyconley: Just heard a kid ask his dad what he learned at church today. Funny! /// Now that’s a great question. #
  • RT @MichaelFranzese: Had a phenomenal weekend at Mt. Zion.. Thanks to @MikeServello, @samluce, and others who made this weekend so special! #
  • Testing out Elavate Jr. On my 4 and 2 yr olds. So far so good. #kidmin #
  • All Elevate Jr. Peeps! I am hosting an idea exchange for all of us to learn from each other. On TokBox Friday 24th 10EST #Kidmin #
  • Using tweetie for mac desktop client. Wish it had groups. #
  • Found this via @mattmckee 5 ways to get questions answered on twitter. #
  • Shows How much she knows in the past 3 months I have made $9.00 blogging. Ha! #
  • Getting ready to record my first TakeTen. #
  • Just finished recording TakeTen with @ryanfrank and @gofishguy thanks guys for your time! #
  • Free Book #kidmin #orange09 #
  • On a Phone call with @jimwidman and a ton of great #kidmin leaders #
  • Just a reminder to anyone interested. We are going to be doing a Elevate Jr. Tokbox brainstorm tom. @ 10am EST. Will tweet the link. #kidmin #
  • Listening to ESPN I am so sick of football talk. I couldn’t care less about who drafts who. #
  • I’m about to start a video chatlive via @TokBox–join to talk about elevate Jr. right now! #
  • Elevate Jr. Brainstorm session @TokBox–join me now! #kidmin #
  • Thanks @kidzmatter2me @_Lowedown @funnymandan @Langer123 for the #followfriday linkage! #
  • Pushing to get tons done. #orange09 is next week! #
  • Free Book! #kidmin #orange09 I will select the winner tomorrow night. #

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