Site Visit to The Fathers House.

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I went with my Pastor and fellow blogger to connect with a couple of other pastors who have a church a couple of hours away. I have heard lots of good things about them and had the privilege of connecting with the kids pastor there a couple of months ago.

We had an amazing visit it is always so encouraging to me to see and celebrate the amazing things God is doing in and through others.

I love to learn from others. I love forming new relationships that challenge my faith and my comfortable ideas of what church should look like.

What did I learn yesterday.

1. Strive to be what God has called you despite the discomfort and the pain it takes to do something bold and out of the box.
2. When you take the church out the box there will always be people smiling at you trying to stuff you back in “In Jesus’ name.”
3. We can use technology to inspire awe but not create awe.
4. There is nothing more important than reaching people for Christ and challenging them to grow themselves.
5. We are not alone. There are many people who are doing amazing things all over the world to preach and proclaim the gospel.
6. If you are not taking a few shots you probably are not doing something significant.

Mike Shipman is the kids pastor. Love his heart and his desire to grow and know more about Children’s Ministry. I can learn a lot from him.

Pastor Pierre is the Senior Pastor and is one amazing visionary guy who has sold it all for the perl of great price.

They are both on twitter so if you want to follow them click on their names above.

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