YouTube Friday: Vancouver Film School

Love watching short films from budding film makers. I watch tons of these. Thought you might enjoy this one. It is a cute story that is short enough that if you hate it is was only 2 minutes of your life gone forever. Unlike most hollywood movies I have seen in the past few months.



2 thoughts on “YouTube Friday: Vancouver Film School”

  1. Very cool and very cute. When do you have time to look for these? I’m glad you pass them along – and don’t take the time to look for them but I can always count on you to pass along the good ones.

  2. Karen,

    Thanks for the comment. I don’t usually look for youtube Friday videos most of the time people tell me about them I just try to remember and keep a list of good ones. If you ever see a good one let me know. Always looking for a good one.

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