More on Pipeline

367414024_997f5d8e5eMet with Mike and Gareth on Tuesday to discuss the Pipeline conference.

What it is:

Conference for Youth workers and Children’s workers

What we want to accomplish:

1. Help Youth workers and Kids workers see the value of collaboration
2. Create a conference that is a great balance of information/application/network connection

I think we all have been to conferences that inspire you through workshops and general sessions. We really want to do something that has never been done before. Inspire youth and children’s workers to work together to reach this generation, and do it through intensely practical, intensely relational means.

We want to create a conference that you leave from with new ideas, fresh resources, strengthened relationships and life-giving network connections.

Pipeline: because we are all connected. November 14th and 15th 2008.

1 thought on “More on Pipeline”

  1. Very cool. I wanted to take my youth pastor to the regional Orange conference in Scranton, but I’ll be speaking at Willowcreek the same week. This seems like a fantastic alternative. Keep the info flowing…

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