So you want to be a children's pastor?

I have been thinking about a few things the last week or so. I have been talking to some good friends of mine as wells as pastors I know in the region they are all looking for children’s pastors. It got me thinking, why is there such a lack of quality children’s leaders? I realize this may be a perception thing on my part but I don’t think so. I think children’s ministry is 20 years behind youth ministry but is catching up.

Let me know what you think?

This week I want to discuss and get your take on the following:

1. What does it take to become a children’s pastor.
2. Why most children’s pastors wanted to be youth pastors.
3. What churches are looking for in a children’s pastor.
4. Misconceptions that keep people from pursuing children’s ministry.
5. What makes a children’s pastor last.

5 thoughts on “So you want to be a children's pastor?”

  1. Pingback: What does it take to be a children’s pastor « Kidsquake’s Weblog

  2. 1. What does it take to become a children’s pastor.

    Unfortunately, many have become Children’s Pastors simply because they were willing. Although being willing is important, being willing doesn’t make a CP great. Having great vision and the ability to rally people around that vision and implement steps to achieve that vision is what makes a CP beyond average.

    2. Why most children’s pastors wanted to be youth pastors.

    I think that it’s due to not knowing or misconceptions. If some of the youth pastors knew how cool ministry to kids could be, there would be a lot more signing up. Of course there are several decades of false impressions of what CM can be to overcome… CM certainly needs a PR Campaign.

    3. What churches are looking for in a children’s pastor.

    Unfortunately, many churches are looking for willing people, hence the issues above. Churches that truly understand the key part CM have in reaching young families are looking for strong leaders with a passion for kids.

    4. Misconceptions that keep people from pursuing children’s ministry.

    Puppets and flannel graphs. From outward appearances (we’ve done this to ourselves), the Children’s Ministry looks too juvenile. That the CM is best run by mommies (nothing against mommies at all, I love mine).

    5. What makes a children’s pastor last.

    This one I think is personal or varies by the person. I can’t imagine myself doing anything different and I’ve never met anyone who was once “called” to CM that is no longer doing it… but maybe I just haven’t met enough people. I think staying connected would be a huge part of this… not being so isolated (both inside the church and through local networks).

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