Jonathan Martin Creative Rocks!

JMC_TEAMWhat can I say. It has been about a year and a half in the making and it has been a huge pleasure at every turn. We have been so blessed to work with an organization that shares our passion for creating lifechanging environments for kids.

From Rachel in the office to Bill the head artist and Kristin (Super nice, super artistic, super humble. My kind of people) Crazy Mike and his construction crew kept us hopping and ducking from paint tape balls. Shannon and Curt with their helpful painting pointers. And everyone else I am forgetting. Thank you.

Jonathan Martin Creative is a well oiled machine. I am so amazed that a creative person like Jonathan Martin can run such a tight ship and yet give his people the freedom to make on the site decisions to make the project better. I never got to meet Jonathan, but I know who he is because of the quality of the people who serve him.

Lastly I want to thank the volunteers from our church who are to numerous to name. People who gave time and money to the point of leaving me speechless. Thank you for your faith, thank you for your passion for kids. Thank you, thank you.

I do want to thank a couple of people who when above and beyond. Dave Myers and Dan Buck. Thank you so much. I literally could not have done this with out you.

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