Be Attitudes: BE ENGAGING

42-17318003In Uptown our Be Attitudes are:

Our next be attitude is be engaging. This is one of the big ones for me. I think most children’s ministries have the safe thing in mind and are courteous. Being engaging puts you in a totally different ballpark. I know in our kids ministry engagement is something I really want to see.

We recently redid our kids wing (plug JMC, plug worlds of wow). I realized one thing early on themeing your kids wing is great but engagement is better. I want to change the way we do church in our kids ministry and in other kids ministries across the nation. I think we need to engage kids from the moment they step foot on our campus’.

I think as children’s workers we need to look beyond our children’s ministry culture at times to see how we are limiting our selves by what has always been done. We need to pray and ask God to open our eyes and ears to see what we are doing that we may think is great but is not engaging the kids we are seeking to reach with the greatest message on earth.

What we are not doing.

1. VBS
2. Harvest Parties
3. Flannel Boards

(Are these things bad, not necessarily, but I want to redefine what church can be and those things take time and effort away from sunday morning (well flannel boards don’t I just hate them) They are usually a huge event with lots of everything and kids come sunday and are disappointed because we as christians are the ultimate bait and switchers. We have huge cool events and sunday is a drag. Stop it. Take the money you would use on events, get the volunteers to commit to make Sunday the best.)

What we are doing.

We are implementing the following formula if you will.

1. Everyone connects with kids all the time.
2. We have a pre-service show – Connect with kids through characters and activities.
3. Main service. We make the Bible story and small group time, relational with kids connecting to their leader and each other.
4. We have a post-service show. Connect with kids and parents through character performances, give-aways, and one-on-one interaction.
5. At the end of the day each volunteer needs to have a name and a face of a kid whose life they impacted through intentional engagement.

I am by no means suggesting that you should do what we are attempting to do. But I will say this, Whatever you do BE ENGAGING. Make it fun, make it memorable, make it stick. As Sue Miller would say “Make it the best hour of their week.”

2 thoughts on “Be Attitudes: BE ENGAGING”

  1. I’ve always loved the quote, “The worse way to teach something is to teach it the way you’ve always taught it.”

    Thanks for your mix-it-up ideas!

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