Jonathan Martin Creative arrives in full force!

The team from JMC arrived today they are building, unpacking and painting. This is going to happen quick!




4 thoughts on “Jonathan Martin Creative arrives in full force!”

  1. sam i’m so excited. i cant wait. I can’t hardly believe that my kids will learn all about Christ every week in such an awesome environment. YOU ARE THE BEST CHILDREN PASTOR. Love ya man

  2. lori and rusty chapman

    Pastor Sam–
    We (including Desiree and Dominique) all know how AMAZING you are a SUPER FANTASTIC children’s pastor!! We just wanted to say that the children’s wing looks awesome and that we appreciate the many hours that you have spent making the children’s wing a reality!! We pray for you every day and are HONORED to have you , Pastor Josh and ALL your children’s ministry helpers in our daughters’ lives!! We love and appreciate you!!!
    Rusty and Lori Chapman

  3. lori and rusty chapman

    Pastor Sam,
    We ALL realize that you are the BEST childrens’ pastor any church could possibly have!! We wanted you to know that the pictures of the childrens’ wing look AWESOME and that we TRULY appreciate all the hours you have spent making this wing a REALITY!! We appreciate you , Pastor Josh and your many childrens’ helpers VERY MUCH! We are honored to have our daughters grow in Christ in such a terrific way!! Lori and Rusty Chapman
    Desiree and Dominique

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