Boy #2 turns #1.


We had a combo dedication/birthday party for my youngest son Sunday. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. It is always nice to spend time with family and friends celebrating a happy occasion.

I love my family. I love my boys so much. It never ceases to amaze me how two kids can grow up in the exact same environment and be so different. My youngest is so outgoing he smiles at everyone all the time. His laugh is so infectious.

After we had our first son I didn’t think I could love another child as much as I love my oldest. But I think parenting is one of those many things that help us understand God’s nature on a small level. I have found that my love for my kids is not divided by multiplied and spread evenly. If you were to ask me which one is my favorite I could honestly tell you neither. They are so unique I could talk to you for hours about aspects about each of my boys that I love. I think on a small simplistic scale that is how God sees us.

(BTW my lovely, talented wife made the giraffe cake pictured above and her BFF made the rice crispies)

2 thoughts on “Boy #2 turns #1.”

  1. Sorry, I missed honorable #2’s bday. I heard your mother in law made her famous lasagna.

    I had to preach too many times and my inlaws were in town. Happy B-day #1 bday honorable #2.

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