Be our Guest

I picked up Be our Guest by Disney yesterday. Wow! I could not put it down! Here is a killer quote. Think about this for a moment and the impact on the church.

“In The Experience Economy, B. Joseph Pine II and James Gilmore suggest that we seen the demise of the Industrial, which is focused solely on the efficient production of goods, and are past the peak of the Service Economy, which wrapped products in bundles of services to make them more attractive to customers. Now, say the authors we are entering a new age of competition that they call the Experience Economy. Goods and services are simply props to engage the customer in this new era. Customers want memorable experiences and companies must become stagers of experiences.

Pine and Gilmore make a point of describing the ephemeral nature of experiences. “However, while the work of the experience stager perishes upon its performance (precisely the right word), the value of the experience lingers in the memory of the any individual who was engaged by the event,”……They go on to use Disney as an example of a notable experience stager. “Most parents,” they continue, “don’t take their kids to Walt Disney World just for the event itself, but rather to make the shared experience part of the everyday family conversation for months, and even years afterward.”

2 thoughts on “Be our Guest”

  1. Last year I attended the Disney Institute…. It is worth the investment. A phenomenal look at how Disney makes the experience worth the money and makes it in the history books of everyone's family vacations.

    The most amazing part is no matter how many time you have been there- every time you go they make it memorable and as if you have never been there before. I always seem to walk away with something new to talk about.

    I consider them the largest children's ministry in the world. They know what they are doing… we have much to learn from Disney.

  2. Last year I attended the Disney Institute…. It is worth the investment. A phenomenal look at how Disney makes the experience worth the money and makes it in the history books of everyone’s family vacations.

    The most amazing part is no matter how many time you have been there- every time you go they make it memorable and as if you have never been there before. I always seem to walk away with something new to talk about.

    I consider them the largest children’s ministry in the world. They know what they are doing… we have much to learn from Disney.

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