Craig Groeschel is coming to New York.

craigheadshotI am so pumped I found out one of guys doing church I really respect is coming to our Youth Conference. I am very excited and can not wait to hear what Craig has to say. In typical Craig style if you have and should read his blog I will be short and hopefully insightful.

Why I respect Craig?

1. He is creative and doesn’t mind mixing it up.
2. He is passionate about the Kingdom as a whole not just his little corner of it.
3. He wants to help leaders grow. (He does this through is blog and books)
4. He is generous with what God has given him. He gives away all of his weekend service stuff.
5. He has a red hot passion to see people far from God come close to God.
6. He has a sense of humor and enjoys life.

Craig has really shown me that you can do church outside the box and be creative without letting your creative take away from your message. Out of all the blogs I read. Craig challenges the way I think especially when it comes to leadership. Thank you Craig for your contribution the the kingdom. We can’t wait to hear what God has for us.

2 thoughts on “Craig Groeschel is coming to New York.”

  1. You are going to enjoy him! Take a moment to go up and introduce yourself. He's very personable. We've been at LifeChurch for 3 years now. My hubby is on the programming team for LifeKids! I'm glad you're in childrens ministry. It's quite an amazing calling.

  2. You are going to enjoy him! Take a moment to go up and introduce yourself. He’s very personable. We’ve been at LifeChurch for 3 years now. My hubby is on the programming team for LifeKids! I’m glad you’re in childrens ministry. It’s quite an amazing calling.

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