ServanTeerism (part 4)

Know your holes and know your roles.

One of the things that has always held me back was not knowing were I needed help when someone asks. One of the greatest opportunity for recruitment is Sunday morning. People see what is going on they want to get involved.

You need to know your holes and know your roles.

Know your holes –

I found an excellent video on The website. It was a organization chart on a whiteboard. (Let me just say I am creative by nature Administrative by necessity). This chart peeked my interest but didn’t get me super excited.

whiteboardIt has rocked my world. I now know where we need people, who I am thinking of asking to help who has asked me to help. It is an external representation of my internal thought process when it comes to volunteers. I LOVE IT. That’s Right all caps.

I now know my holes. If someone asks me to help I bring them right over to the board and see where they would like to help and where we need help. I have added about 15-20 new volunteers just by knowing where my needs are. When you know your needs you can ask people to volunteer personally and specifically. It also enables you to pray specifically.

Know your roles –

Know what each job description is.
Know what is required as far as time and commitment.
Know what a win looks like in that role.
Know how that role functions within the team.

12 thoughts on “ServanTeerism (part 4)”

  1. That's a great tool. I could see huge benifits of having this board where you meet with your team on a weekly basis. I know it's been easy to get burried in ministry, know that you have a volunteer problem, but not really focus on it… just get into survival mode. Having this board would be great external accountability for all the team members to see the true state for volunteers. I can see it being and true encouragement as well watching it fill up during a volunteer campaing of sorts. Great idea! I love it!

  2. That’s a great tool. I could see huge benifits of having this board where you meet with your team on a weekly basis. I know it’s been easy to get burried in ministry, know that you have a volunteer problem, but not really focus on it… just get into survival mode. Having this board would be great external accountability for all the team members to see the true state for volunteers. I can see it being and true encouragement as well watching it fill up during a volunteer campaing of sorts. Great idea! I love it!

  3. I used a board like this in my last position and am planning to use it again. It was helpful to me to be able to have the visual always in front of me in the office for lots of reasons,b and everyone who came into my office had the same response – "WOW…!"

    Thanks for the post!

  4. I used a board like this in my last position and am planning to use it again. It was helpful to me to be able to have the visual always in front of me in the office for lots of reasons,b and everyone who came into my office had the same response – “WOW…!”

    Thanks for the post!

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