To Trick or to Treat?

This time of year there is always a bit of a hub bub about all saints day.

As a children’s pastor I am frequently asked about child related controversies, Harry Potter, Pokemon, and every year Halloween.

How I feel about it is best illustrated in a recent event that took place in my house. My son turned 3 recently he loves swords, pirates have swords, so he wanted a pirate and pirates travel by ship, so he wanted a pirate ship. With a pirate ship comes a skull and crossbones. I have no problem with them. My wife does not feel comfortable with them so we did not put the skull stickers on the ship in any way.

To me this is where I have a problem. Many times we as Christians are more concerned with “external issues” and totally ignore the more important “internal issues”.

Being a Christian in culture is a very difficult thing. But I think at times we focus on the wrong things that make us different.

Do we want people to think of us as the people who turn their lights off and hide on Halloween?

I feel we need to be less concerned about projecting an image than reflecting an image?

One article a good friend of mine pointed me to address our role in culture in a brilliant way. The blog is called Experimental Theology check it out.

6 thoughts on “To Trick or to Treat?”

  1. Thanks, Sam for this post. I want to be the kid of parent who teaches my children to pay attention to the internal issues and not just the external. My boys are great at asking "why" all the time and while it gets annoying, it often leads to great discussions on teaching them to see the internal issues behind things.

  2. Thanks, Sam for this post. I want to be the kid of parent who teaches my children to pay attention to the internal issues and not just the external. My boys are great at asking “why” all the time and while it gets annoying, it often leads to great discussions on teaching them to see the internal issues behind things.

  3. Just thought I'd let you know I was inspired and made hot cider and bought donuts to hand out to the neighbors last night but um… I guess we live in the sticks now because nobody came to our door.

  4. Just thought I’d let you know I was inspired and made hot cider and bought donuts to hand out to the neighbors last night but um… I guess we live in the sticks now because nobody came to our door.

  5. So do you take your kids trick or treating or not?
    I believe the devil is real and I beleive Haloween is his high holy day for all that is dark and deathly, and evil. Now, I think most kids costumes are cute as a button and I am all for great pictures, loads of free candy, and making family memories, but I just have a real snag with playing games and having fun on a high holy day of evil. Seems kind of like having a big party on a night of declared war. Can't say that I blame a single parent for having fun with their kids on Haloween when thay have never considered any of this, but for me, I just can't go and have fun that night. It is either a time for prayer and knee war, or a time to reach out and bring one into the light and life of Christ. So I encouarge folks to battle the dark one on Haloween, not have a fun loving party whilst the war is raging hot. Does this sound crazy? Ruining kids fun on haloween for 10 years now, Mat:)

  6. So do you take your kids trick or treating or not?
    I believe the devil is real and I beleive Haloween is his high holy day for all that is dark and deathly, and evil. Now, I think most kids costumes are cute as a button and I am all for great pictures, loads of free candy, and making family memories, but I just have a real snag with playing games and having fun on a high holy day of evil. Seems kind of like having a big party on a night of declared war. Can’t say that I blame a single parent for having fun with their kids on Haloween when thay have never considered any of this, but for me, I just can’t go and have fun that night. It is either a time for prayer and knee war, or a time to reach out and bring one into the light and life of Christ. So I encouarge folks to battle the dark one on Haloween, not have a fun loving party whilst the war is raging hot. Does this sound crazy? Ruining kids fun on haloween for 10 years now, Mat:)

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