Happy Birthday Gianni!

My son Gianni turned 3 yesterday. I think one thing that stands out to me is how much my life has changed in the past 3 years. I can’t imagine my life with out him.
This is significant to me because I worked with kids in and out of church for so many years before we had Gianni. I have seen many great parents that inspired me, but I also saw many parents who should never have had kids. I wanted to have kids because we felt it was part of what God had for us as a couple not just because “you are suppose to have them”.

We decided to have kids after my grandfather past away. I was very inspired by his life and decided that it was time to have kids. This is part of the reason we named Gianni his name (Gianni is Italian for John, my grandpa’s first name). From the moment he was born I have never regretted that decision. He is a joy. Every day is better because he is in it.

I love everything about my boy. I love his laugh. I love his incredible sense of humor, I love his perspective. I love the fact that he wants to know what everything is. I love how he waits for me everyday when I come home from work.

Gianni mommy and daddy are crazy about you. You are a champion you are a man of God we love you! Happy Birthday!

6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Gianni!”

  1. Happy Birthday Gianni! I can't believe he is three already! When I first came to Mt. Zion he was only one, and he didn't even really walk by himself, and now he is a little man~ sniff*. I am going to have to come up to visit very soon, and play with my buddy!!! I miss you guys

  2. Happy Birthday Gianni! I can’t believe he is three already! When I first came to Mt. Zion he was only one, and he didn’t even really walk by himself, and now he is a little man~ sniff*. I am going to have to come up to visit very soon, and play with my buddy!!! I miss you guys

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