Children of the Corn Eh!

picture-1.pngI went this last weekend with my good friend and fellow blogger pastor Mike Servello, to a youth conference in Kitchner Ont. Canada. We had a fantastic time.

We meet the youth pastor Paul Dunk and his wife Susan. They are wonderful people we hit if off right away. It is always so great to meet people who live hundreds of miles away yet share the same hart and same values.

The have a lot of great stuff going on. They have a children’s outreach to areas in their city most in need. They have a great Christian school. They also share my passion for using the arts and creativity to effective preach the gospel and effect culture from the inside out.

But what I love most about about this church is their passion for children and children’s ministries. I was so impressed. It is so great to see people doing powerful things for God in the midst of a literal corn field.

Here is their site check them out.

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