Books I Read On Vacation: Robin Hood Marketing.

51v5h33adjl_bo2204203200_pisitb-dp-500-arrowtopright45-64_ou01_aa240_sh20_.jpg Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes.
By: Katya Andresen

What a great book I loved it. I must warn you I do love marketing books. I think this book is very useful to people who are not into marketing.

Why you should read this book

1. We market ourselves and our ministries every day whether we like it or not.

2. We can learn from the marketing world about how people receive and implement messages they receive.

3. Learn how to move people to action based on shared values.

My Favorite Quotes from this book.

“I encourage readers to consider that marketing, when practiced professionally and ethically, is about influencing, not manipulating, people. There is nothing intrinsically immoral about it…..I would argue, that wasting precious resources by dealing with social issues ineffectively is immoral.”

“Once people get one clear idea and take one small action, we can ask them to take another. It’s a process. Momentum starts with one action and then takes time to build.”

“-What is our strong suit?
-What makes us unique?
-Is our strength or difference a simple, easily grasped concept?”

“Don’t lament over your shortcomings or your opponent’s strengths. Think about how you can be refreshingly different.”

And that is only the beginning. Read the book it is well worth your time.

Katya is brilliant. She also has a brilliant blog check it out.

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