The CP 411 on TXT

(Translation of the title "Information that every children’s pastor needs about texting")

Why should a children’s pastor know about and how to use texting.

Benefits –

  1. Harness culture – You are speaking the kids language – They all do it.
  2. You can send out info about a function that works much better than a flier.
  3. You can actually get a hold of teen and college age children’s workers
  4. You can use it to market your ministry in schools
  5. It is great for communicating with your staff within a building during service. (With your phone set to vibrate of course)

Drawbacks –

  1. Short messages can replace "actual conversation"
  2. How someone feels can be lost, and misunderstandings can take place
  3. It could become a distraction in you services
  4. Young kids may not be able to set and stand by their electric boundaries

Bottom line with Texting is with anything, a pastor friend of mine says:
"What God blesses as a supplement he will curse as a substitute"

Stats –

Among 18-24 year old Americans:

  • 94% send and receive text messages with their cell phones 
  • 66% send text messages while driving

Clearly, texting is an effective way to reach and communicate with the college demographic.

Taken from

  • Cultural factors also play a role in text messaging’s surge. Teenagers have made it a routine way to communicate. About 63% of Americans from ages 18 to 27 text message, according to a Pew Internet & American Life Project survey out in March. Those teens are bringing texting to their parents – or are moving into the workforce and texting with older colleagues. Now 31% of cell phone owners ages 28 to 39 use text, and 18% of those 40 to 49 do, Pew reports.
  • June 2005: About 5 billion text messages are sent a month in the USA, up from 2.8 billion a year ago, according to the wireless trade association CTIA.

 Taken from

* 50% of 10-18 yr olds have their own phone
* verizon & cingular have largest share of this demographic
* sprint/nextel has smaller share, but high brand awareness
* 75% of surveyed kids say their bill is paid by parents
* parents generally chose plan, kids chose phone
* Yankee group study from 7/05 found that 50% of teens 13-17 would spend add money on ringtones, music
* 53% of kids have downloaded games

Taken from mKids survey


 SMS Everywhere –
With this little online program you can send one message to multiple phone numbers and recieve replies, invaluable.

Text Abbreviations –
Invaluable for all of us over the age of 25! LOL (for everyone over 25 LOL= Laugh out loud). We are learning already.

SMS Wiki –
Lots of info here on how it started and what it is.

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