The 10 Commandments of online safety

The 10 Commandments of online safety for kids.

  1. Thou shalt put the computer in a very public place
  2. Remember thy password and keep it holy
  3. Know thy children’s friends, buddies
  4. Remember thy monitoring software and keep it active
  5. Thou Shalt not allow thy children to post any graven images (photos) whithout thy permission
  6. Thou shalt not allow any contact information to ever be given out
  7. Thou shalt forbid any meeting in person with online buddies
  8. Remember to check thy childs history
  9. Though shalt create a seperate login for each child (on a mac, on those other computers)
  10. Thou shalt not close your eyes and hope for the best


Safety rules for kids
Great monitoring software that works for macs and those other computers
Guidlines for parents
USA Today article
June is internet safety month

9 thoughts on “The 10 Commandments of online safety”

  1. These are great. Couple more thoughts:
    #8–and remember to check thy cookies along with history..for those who thought they deleted all evidence 😉
    and #11–Thou shalt get thine own myspace so thou can find out about thy child’s friends!!

    Yup–I have teens…

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