Actual Values vs. Stated Values

I recently came across an article about the importance of Children’s Ministry. I have been reading and researching because we are having a vision meeting at our church in a couple of weeks. My senior pastor is going to be sharing the vision part and I am going to be sharing with our church the specifics of the construction and the importance and VALUE of kids.

Many churches have the stated value of children’s ministry. But is that stated value an actual value? This article should be read by every children’s pastor and shared with every staff member. I have talked a lot in the past about environment because ministry to kids is a value to me. Kids need life transforming teaching in a relevant impacting way.

I would like to comment on a few of the statement in the article

If children really mattered to God’€™s people, it would affect numerous areas

We’d start making 30 year plans instead of three year plans. We would launch courageous, long range strategies to affect the next generations. We would ask ourselves, What effect will this current action, initiative, or expansion have by the time our kids are grown? What should we be doing
now to prepare the way for their ministry era?

This is huge. Any children’s pastor you ask understands that what we do is not for us but we are doing our part to lay a foundation of faith that will stand the test of time. Whose true fruit will be seen not at the alter after church but 30 years from now when the kids we reach have their own families.

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