My Speaking Page

I have been involved in family ministry at my church for the past 20 years. Here is the problem I ran into over and over again. I could not find anyone who could speak with clarity and authority on the topics I need speakers for, including camps, conferences, volunteer training, and leadership development.
I believe that today, more than ever, we need a clear gospel-centered message in every area of the church and in the para-church ministry. I am passionate about building the local, which I have the honor of helping to lead, but I would love the opportunity to help you grow as a leader and to help grow the leaders you lead.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I am honored you would consider having me and would love to have the opportunity to serve you in any way that I can.

About Me

My name is Sam Luce. For the past 27 years, I have been a pastor at Redeemer Church in Utica, NY. Currently, I am serving as the Global pastor of Ministries.

I write and speak about things I am passionate about, such as the power of the gospel, becoming a better leader, ministering to kids and youth, technology, humorous anything, and being the best dad and husband I can be.

My goal is to be to others what I wish I had when I was starting out in ministry. I desire to help you grow as a leader and avoid some of the boneheaded mistakes I learned and am still learning along the way.

I have served as the president of the board for INCM, co-authored “The Eric Trap,” have been involved in several book projects, and have been blogging here since 2007. I have also spoken at conferences and have done some consulting and coaching. My real passion lies in preaching the gospel and building and strengthening the local church in any way possible because I believe in creating environments where life change can take place. I truly believe that the local church is the hope of the world.

I have been married to my beautiful wife for 25 years together. We have four beautiful children, ages 20, 17, 15, and 11. We currently live in Upstate New York.

Most Requested Topics

I speak on a variety of topics, from practical how-to workshops to inspiring keynotes. I am flexible in my presentation, and my goal is to build my talks and messages in such a way that Christ is glorified and your event is successful.

Here are a few of the topics I am asked to speak on most often.

  • More Mr. Rogers and Less Disney – Why our kids’ ministries need to be more like Mr. Rogers and less like Disney
  • Theology as Story – Family ministry has asked the question, for years, “How” family ministry happens and “Where” it should happen. Family Ministry 2.0 asks “What” discipleship looks like and “Why” do we do it.
  • Leading for the long haul – How to last in ministry when everything in you and around you is telling you to throw in the towel.
  • Communicating to Kids – How to capture the minds of kids and deliver content that will transform their lives.
  • Theology and children – Why kids need a gospel-centered theological framework.
  • Faithful Fathers, not Famous Sons – Youth and Kids ministry culture is obsessed with fame and followers. What we need today is not more famous sons but Faithful fathers.
  • Raising gospel-centered kids in a gospel-hating culture – The four things you must do as a parent to raise kids that understand and apply the gospel to their lives

Contact Me

Here\’s how you can contact us for any questions or concerns.

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