Announcing Claudia to the world.

Claudia Maria Ann Luce

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.
Joseph Addison

25 thoughts on “Announcing Claudia to the world.”

  1. Hi Pastor Sam & Sandra,
    Congradulations on the birth of your first daughter:-)
    I remember having 3 boys and then came the girl. It is a precious time. God Bless the both of you. Thanks so much for sharing:-)

  2. Noah and Merideth

    Congrats! We are so excited for you guys! Thanks for sharing your pics, they are great! God Bless you and can’t wait to meet Claudia in person!

  3. Thanks you guys we feel so blessed. I can already see a big difference in having a girl. She seems to be more content than the boys were at the ripe age of 2 days. Should be fun. 🙂

  4. Vito and Clara

    These pictures are so awesome! Claudia definitely completes your family – she is a beautiful addition. We can’t wait to meet her. Kisses and hugs to you all!

  5. LOVE the photos! i almost started to cry, i wish i could be there to hold Claudia Maria Ann…BEAUTIFUL Name!!! i like how you mixed both Grandmas in there. We love you ALL sooooooo much! Please give all the kiddos kisses and hugs from Auntie Sarah. xoxoxox

  6. Sam and Sandra-
    Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! She is wonderful!!! Such a great name too. Enjoy dressing her up and all that girly stuff- it’s so different than having a boy! BTW- the photos are wonderful! Love, Amber

  7. Pastor Sam ans Sandra,
    What a beautiful name!!! Thanks for sharing the great pics!!
    Sandra, now you have a person to shop with!!! Can’t wait to see Claudia in person….Gianni & Sonny…take care of your little sis and I will have a little something for both of you when I see you at church….love you all, Lori

  8. She is absolutely adorable, just like your boys only prettier 🙂 Can’t wait to meet her in person. Your photo’s are GREAT Pastor Sam. You are so creative. I laughed out loud when I saw the one with your Iphone 🙂
    Congratulations to you all and Blessings,

  9. you have 4? i always thought claudia is your first…congratulated you before but here’s 3 more times…. or should it be 4..or 5, err didn’t you have more than one iphone?

  10. Congratulations! How amazing. (the iPhone pic is hysterical!)

    I hope you’re enjoying Claudia and soaking up as much as you can. I’m content to wait for your return to the blogging world. You’ve got enough on your plate right now. Praying for you guys.

  11. Sam,
    What a beautiful family you have. Your oldest son looks just like you. I am sure Claudia has herself wrapped around her Daddy’s little finger everytime she just “Smiles”. May God Bless You and Your Entire Family.

    Your Infuse Friend,

  12. Hey Bro — LOVE all the pics!!!! Soooooo cute – you are a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! WE miss you with all our hearts – tell the kiddos and Mamma we love you all!
    your sis

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