What I love about Group’s Kidmin Conference

I remember several years ago being part of a conversation about what makes a conference great with Christine Yount-Jones and her team at Group. One of the things that came out of that conversation was the need for authentic conversations. The Kidmin Conference that Group puts on does many things well, what I think they do better than any conference I have been to is create intentional space for conversations to take place. From the affinity groups, to structuring time in breakouts for interaction, to the placement of Xorbee chairs all over to create conversational pit stops.

What I am looking forward to most at the Kidmin conference is using those opportunities to learn from old friends and new friends alike.

This year I was honored to be invited back to help add to the conversation. I am incredibly excited to do that by discussing a couple of things that are important to me. This year my breakouts will center about the why, what and how of communicating the gospel to kids. In years of ministry to kids in the same church I have become more aware of our need to do those things with excellence. If we don’t understand why those gospel matters to kids what we say and how we say it will have less impact. If we know why the gospel matters but don’t know how or what to say about it the impact will never be felt by our kids. I hope to help paint a picture of the power of the gospel how we need it as much as the kids we serve and when we understand that fact it will change everything for us even how we practically communicate to kids.

I really hope to see you there. I am praying that every person that comes is changed for the sake of the kids they are called to serve.

Register Here [button href=”https://www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?MethodId=0&EventSessionId=36ecdbeecb484f3ebdfbad07662ac9ff&EventId=1611888″ primary=”true” centered=”false” newwindow=”true”]Register Now![/button]

If you want to come and can’t afford it I have good news I am giving one free registration to Group’s Kidmin Conference. Please enter via the form below.




2 thoughts on “What I love about Group’s Kidmin Conference”

  1. I would love to attend this conference.

    We attended once a Detroit Regional Group Conference, and we loved it.

    I hope I can win 🙂

  2. I would LOVE to be able to attend this conference. I live in California and am the Children’s Director of Gold Coast Church but have always wanted to attend the KidMin. I love Group publishing and think the conference would be a huge benefit to our ministry.
    Thank you for the opportunity to be included in the drawing for a complimentary ticket.

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