Stewardship. Leaders should attend training conferences because we are not just volunteers or leaders we are stewards. When you realize that you are a steward of the time and influence God has given you it changes how you use your time. It’s not your own. I love how the first question of the Heidelberg Catechism draws this point out so vividly. It says What is our only comfort in life and death? The answer is “That we are not our own but belong body and soul to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ. When we realize that we are not owners but stewards it changes events like these from have to, to want to.
If you are not growing. If you are not pushing yourself spiritually or academically then you are being a poor steward. The trap that is so easy to fall into I have many times is thinking that your ministry is yours. You do what you do for the glory of God. You occupy until He returns. You are a steward of the gifts, talents and abilities you have been given. You do not possess talent you are a steward of the gifts God has entrusted to you.
So go to conferences, read books, go back to school, have lunch with someone who is a mentor to you. Steward the gift don’t deceive yourself into thinking that you are owed something because you own it.