Who is Eric Newman?

The Eric Trap blog tour kicked off. There will be many posts, book reviews and give aways in the weeks to come. In fact you will not be able to buy a copy of the book until the end of the month but you will possibly win a copy of The Eric Trap.

Over the past year and a half I have been part of a group of leaders working on writing a leadership book. It’s a great book of leadership lessons learned from the second chair. If you are on staff at a church or are leading others in your organization I really think you will find our new book The Eric Trap helpful. It has been a lot of work but also a privilege to be part of something with a group of people I really respect. Get yourself a copy of The Eric Trap for you and your team.

Here is the 411 on The Eric Trap. 

What is the Eric Trap? – It is a leadership fable that discusses the 5 things every leader has to get right. The Eric Trap is a collaboratively written leadership book by a group of #kidmin leaders from one of Jim Wideman’s infuse leadership group.

Where can I find out more about the blog tour? Over at Kenny Conley’s blog Childrensministryonline.com

What are people saying about it?

Jim Wideman – Announces the start of the Blog tour
Jenny Funderburke – Kicks off the tour with the first review of “The Eric Trap”

Where can I find out more about The Eric Trap? You can visit the Eric Trap website www.theerictrap.com

How can you help get the word out? You can tweet about it. Be sure to include eric’s twitter address @e_newman or #erictrap you can also put a Eric Trap Badge on your blog or website. I have made some below for your convince.

How do I add one to my blog or website? Below each badge is the html code you can use to embed the badge above it on your blog or website.

How to embed in my WordPress Blog

1. Simply copy the html for the size badge you want

2. go to the widget section of your blog

3. Select a text widget

4. Paste the html code you copied into the text widget box

5. You should be good to go.

The Eric Trap Blog Badges


<a href=”theerictrap.com”><img src=”http://samluce.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/erictrap_468.jpg” alt=”” /></a>


<a href=”theerictrap.com”><img src=”http://samluce.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/erictrap_125.jpg” alt=”” /></a>


<a href=”theerictrap.com”><img src=”http://samluce.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/erictrap_260.jpg” alt=” /></a>


<a href=”theerictrap.com”><img src=”http://samluce.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/erictrap_300.jpg” alt=” /></a>


3 thoughts on “Who is Eric Newman?”

  1. Pingback: The real Eric Newman | Childrens Ministry Online

  2. Pingback: The real Eric Newman | Childrens Ministry Online

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