Conferences I’m going to: Austin Illuminate.

I thought I would start talking about some of the conferences I am going to and how they are all so different and why I am excited to be going to each of them.

In a little less than two weeks I will be going to Austin Texas to Illuminate Conference.

Why is it different – It’s the first conference to bring National Known Speakers like Jim Wideman to train and equip volunteers not just Ministry leaders. Everything about this conference is focused on volunteers. It’s on a saturday so volunteers can come. It’s priced in such a way that a church can send their whole team for the price of sending a few leaders to a national conference, all the content will be crafted and delivered with volunteers in mind.

Why I’m excited to be going – It has the feel of a national conference but at the local level. It’s an honor and a privilege to speak to people and pour into the volunteers who are the lifeblood of children’s ministry. I also am excited because all the speakers are involved in a local church to me that’s huge I love the local church and when someone is apart of a local church and not a traveling expert that is always a huge plus for me. I am also excited to meet many of you.

A bit about Kenny the founder – I have known Kenny for years (we met online) he is the real deal. He feels strongly that this is a God idea and I am with him. If the church was and is important to Jesus it should be important to us. Kenny has some sponsors but is funding this thing on his own, that’s the kind of guy Kenny is he puts his money where is mouth is. He loves the church, he loves the next generation. I am proud beyond words to be called his friend. Not many people would step out in faith to equip and train leaders and volunteers to be more effective at reaching the next generation.

If you are within driving distance for the love of all that is holy sign up bring a car load of volunteers create some memories and learn, grow and dream together.


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