Guest Post: Avoiding the cone of parenting shame.

I had the privilege of writing a guest post for Chris Sprad over at Sprad is a great guy love his heart and I love his raw honest take on parenting. His site is a breath of fresh parenting air. I love it. If you are a parent or a pastor you need to check out his site. Love his stuff on talking to your kids about sex. Love his humor and honesty.

I wrote an article for him talking about how we as parents need to make sure that we don’t give our kids to much freedom when they are young. How we we can’t try to be our children’s friends when they are young they need the security of clarity they don’t need a buddy.

Anyway check out my post and Chris’s site.

2 thoughts on “Guest Post: Avoiding the cone of parenting shame.”

    1. Thanks Sprad for the opportunity. Love your blog, bookmarked the one on bullies to read to my wife. Next time I'm in Colorado we are going to have to meet up.

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