Guerrilla Parenting


So what is guerrilla parenting? It’s parenting that relies on time, energy and imagination. As our world changes we need to think of creative, unique ways to engage our kids.

I want to talk over a few posts or who knows maybe more about how we can engage in guerrilla parenting. What are some nontraditional ways to connect to our kids create a lifelong bond that will change their life and help them to become everything God God  wants them to be.

How when we do the simple, small often cheap things with our kids it makes all the difference. Disney vacations are nice but when kids move away from home the things they remember most are the boring everyday memories.


6 thoughts on “Guerrilla Parenting”

  1. Heather Ramsdell

    Heritage!! Giving our kids a piece of who we are as a family, something worth belonging to, and living up too! Becoming a bit traditional in someways may be guerilla today as in knowing "the WHY" in what we are doing as a family. Can't wait to hear everyones ideas and your future blogs!

    BTW The Ramsdell's Rock:) Who wouldn't want to be in our family!

  2. Heather Ramsdell

    Heritage!! Giving our kids a piece of who we are as a family, something worth belonging to, and living up too! Becoming a bit traditional in someways may be guerilla today as in knowing "the WHY" in what we are doing as a family. Can't wait to hear everyones ideas and your future blogs!

    BTW The Ramsdell's Rock:) Who wouldn't want to be in our family!

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