Blogging Christmas Giveaway.

I thought it would be fun to Celebrate the Christmas season by giving something away everyday this whole week.

The first thing I would like to give away is a non-autographed version of Three signs of a Miserable job.
I read this book a few weeks back and found it to be one of the best books I’ve read in terms of leading volunteers and building a team. If you lead a team or are part of a team you need to read this book.

I did a series of blog posts about it. Three Signs of A miserable job – Blog Series

To enter to win tweet the following or leave a comment. I will pick a winner and announce it tomorrow.

@samluce is giving away a free copy of Lencioni’s book Three Signs of a miserable job over at #kidmin

6 thoughts on “Blogging Christmas Giveaway.”

  1. Read your posts regarding this book, good stuff. It is definatly one the bookshelf. Thanks for all of the relevent info you pass one. It is all so very helpful!

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