Happy 3rd Birthday!

Well today is my 3rd blogging birthday. I think that’s like 48 in human years.

Wow what a trip it’s been, and I have loved every minute of it. 3 years ago you would have never been able to convince me that I would form life long, life giving relationships with people, crazy, but I have. It has been so wonderful to connect with you guys out there and learn from you. I feel that I have grown more in terms of leadership and all things children’s ministry because of the Children’s ministry  community that has opened up in the past few years. I remember starting to read children’s ministry blogs 3 years ago I could only find a few. Now we have a march madness blogging competition with a field of 64 kidmin bloggers. Amazing.

Well 678 posts 1674 comments later. I am excited to hear, learn and grow from each of you. Here’s to anther 3 years or so. (Hope you like the cake Tony)


11 thoughts on “Happy 3rd Birthday!”

  1. Happy Blogging Birthday. Sorry, we had talked about doing a combined birthday party, but life happened. Maybe next year. Only two more years until the big #5!

  2. Happy Blogging Birthday. Sorry, we had talked about doing a combined birthday party, but life happened. Maybe next year. Only two more years until the big #5!

  3. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (April 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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