
Wow! What an incredible sense of God’s presence at‘s launch this weekend. We officially changed the name of our church from Mt. Zion Ministries to Redeemer Church and It’s been awesome to hear the stories of folks who had invited their unsaved family and friends. God is doing some powerful things in the Northeast!

So many great stories of people coming to our church and getting connected. One family found our church by “accident” and was blown away.  A man shared how his life is now beginning to come back together after experiencing redemption and forgiveness.   Yet another family expressed how much their kids loved Uptown (we actually set a new attendance record in Uptown) and how they couldn’t wait to come back next week.  Over 40 people became members of our Redeemer Church family today. These are just a few of the stories of peoples’ lives who have been impacted by your love and sacrifice. This is why we do what we do. I love my church and am honored to part of a team of staff and volunteers who’s heart beats for those in need of the Redemptive work of a Savior.

Great weekend, but best of all it is God who is glorified.

Job 19:25-26
25 “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,
and he will stand upon the earth at last.

26 And after my body has decayed,
yet in my body I will see God!

4 thoughts on “ Launch”

  1. We are so happy for you guys!! Nice new website too – love the interview with Pastor Mike Sr. – makes me miss you all sooooooo much! Be BLESSED — Love U MUCH – May the LORd Bless you and take good care of you! Numbers 6:24 – sarah

  2. We are so happy for you guys!! Nice new website too – love the interview with Pastor Mike Sr. – makes me miss you all sooooooo much! Be BLESSED — Love U MUCH – May the LORd Bless you and take good care of you! Numbers 6:24 – sarah

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