Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-31

  • Not going to tweet about a certain sports team don't want to jinx them. I did pray for them with my son at bedtime. #
  • Start spreading the news! #Yankees #
  • YANKEES!!!!!!!!! #fb #
  • RT @genconference: Week 1 is sold out still some spots in week two but you better hurry. #gencon09 ///should be a blast #
  • Just got off the phone with @jonathancliff Great guy. Out of the 5 Texas Ranger fans there are in the world. He's my favorite. #
  • At the movies with my boys. I am a smuggler not a concession food buyer. What about you? #kidmin #
  • Give away Tuesday: Free Google Wave Invites #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • RT @MichaelHyatt: I’m trying to decide whether to finish a blog post or get up early and do it. I think sleep beckons.// Ditto #
  • A free tool for parents and kids pastors. #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #
  • Never seen Cliff Lee pitch before he's pretty good. But Jeter's better. Let's go #Yankees #
  • Went to my "local" (1hr away) mac store the local genious was explaining to a newbie that Apple is a family. Values and Vision! Love it! #
  • Going to the Apple store always makes me happy! #
  • Crap. It's over. Cliff Lee is a beast tonight. @phillHughes is an idiot. #
  • Just finished installing snow Leopard regained 10gigs crazy. My machine seems to run much faster. #apple #
  • Tonight sleep. Tomorrow make a vodo doll of Cliff Lee. #yankees #
  • Got some free stuff from Kidmo. Thanks Guys! Started to look at some of it. You guys do a great job. #kidmin #
  • Thinking about using KidLead in the future. Anybody use this yet? What did you like/dislike? #kidmin #
  • Just talked to @funnymandan what a great guy and amazing #kidmin leader. My son thinks he is funnier than me and I think he is right. #
  • Please God, Please let them send Pedro back out there. #Yankees #
  • Ha! Whose your daddy Pedro – Manuel must have never seen a redsox game ever. Pedro implodes in NY after 100 pitches every time. #yankees #
  • Pedro needs to stop pitching and go into sales – he can convince any manager to keep him in the game. Love it. #yankees #
  • NO GOOD – Yanks on the short end of a short hop! #Yankees #
  • YouTube Friday: Napkin Conference #kidmin #cmconnect #fb #

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