
We just completed another successful open house. I am so proud of my team they did an amazing job. We blew up hundreds of balloons (well mostly them as one of the few fears I have in life is popping balloons.) The service when great, lots of new kids on the dance team, loads of new families stopped by to check out Uptown. Lots of new applications filled out to help in Uptown.

I find it so fulfilling to be a part of something much bigger than me. I am so amazed at what God has done last year and am so excited to see where he will take us this year.

Thanks again to everyone who made the Uptown Open house a success. I am amazed by your dedication to create environments where life change can happen in the life of a child. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. And for all of you sitting on the sidelines wondering if what Uptown is all about, jump in you won’t regret it.

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