Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-27

  • It is getting down to the last few. I hope I win #squarespace #
  • Good day today. Relaxing. Excited to be in Big church tomorrow. Crazy thankful for my amazing #kidmin team. #
  • Watching @PerryNoble speak his One Prayer message. God is……HERE. #
  • Guest Blog Post: Happy Fathers Day Sam #fb #kidmin #
  • About to get my upstate NY on and go strawberry picking with the fam. #fb #
  • Paying my land taxes. Necssary evil. I think we need a revolution. Taxation with crappy representation. Repubs and Dems both drive me nuts! #
  • Jon & Kate file for divorce. So sad. #
  • Why am I not winning! #squarespace #
  • Staff meeting right now thinking about how staff meeting and staff infection share the staff #
  • Does Your Church Have A Farm System? They Should. #kidmin #fb #cmconnect #
  • Getting ready to talk on the phone with some great kids pastor people. #kidmin #
  • #squrespace PLease! I beg of thee in kings english. Hath mercy on me and bestow upon an iPhone. #
  • #squarespace Please! I beg of thee in kings english. Hath mercy on me and bestow upon me an iPhone. #
  • #trackle is now giving away iphone's WOW. #
  • RT @r_frank: I am giving away 25 free copies of Reggie Joiner's new book next week. Make sure you get the @KidzMatter emails. #kidmin #
  • Opened a new twitter account. I can't follow or be followed? What gives? @twitter #fail #
  • July 252Basics cheat sheet downloads. Enjoy hope they help. #kidmin #cmconnect #
  • Did a crazy amount of 252basics stuff today! All set through August #kidmin #
  • Watching America's Got Talent. Wondering why people in Britain seem more talented when we have more people. #fb #
  • At the grocery store at 2 am. Buying crave food for my very pregnate very wonderful wife. #
  • Is today my lucky day? #squarespace #
  • Why is everyone's Avitar green? #
  • Hey #kidmin peeps here is the link for the 252basics cheat sheets #
  • "Core beliefs create emotions and thoughts that drive behaviour."
    (Harry Flanagan from Pure Desire.) #
  • Jesus instantaneously healed sickness and delivered evil spirits but never once delivered someone from a character defect. Harry Flanagan #
  • Relevance in the church does not come from being culturally hip but comes from radical transpancy. #
  • #trackle is now giving away iphone's. Please pick me. #
  • Can't believe Michael Jackson is dead. Watching the news shows discuss his life. So sad! #
  • Been thinking about Shepherding the Heart of kids. As a Pastor and Father. #kidmin #
  • Recording CMEdge with @jabberfrog @henryjz #kidmin #
  • Sitting in a meeting. Very hungry. Weird, I never get hungry. #fb #

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