Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-13

  • Be strong and courageous! Come hear how to be bold in faith with Francis Chan at #churchonline #
  • Excited to be checking out's campus live. Should be good. #
  • RT @mpayne76: RT @jimwideman: Why are you upset about no prayer in schools if your not praying with your kids at home? #
  • Uptown going great without me. I am observing at the Albany NY campus. Good stuff. #kidmin #
  • Great couple of services at everyone was great. Still waiting to meet someone from I don't like. Ha! #
  • Watching the movie Star Trek I have never even seen a TV episode this should be interesting. #
  • Romulans seem angry. #
  • Vulcan death grip. This is to good. #
  • Love how they add spikes to stuff in Star Trek to make them seem more spacey. #
  • Can't wait to hear what comes out of the WWDC today! iphone 3.0 release today I hope. #
  • All of a sudden my facebook is all in german or dutch or something. Have I been hacked? #fb #
  • Hey #kidmin peeps give @LHartSnow a follow she was my intern 4 years ago and is now is a great kids pastor. #
  • Just did a 5 mile hike with a 30 pound pack. If it was on my back I'd be a Marine but he was in a stroller so that makes me a parent. #fb #
  • Hey @[email protected] can't see anything are you transmitting? (It_is_Me_It live > #
  • RT @jasonboucher WWDC starts in 35 minutes… Yay!/// Double Yay! #
  • Watching WWDC right now. Love apple hate scifi so I guess that makes me a cool nerd. #
  • WWDC presenter "the 13" macbook will have backlit keys" Crowed erupts in cheers. Gotta love the cult of mac. #
  • Anyone going to wait in line for a iphone 3GS. "S" for same as the other ones. lol #
  • I am going to do a short commercial pushing self checkin any #kidmin interested in a copy? If so I'll make a non-branded version. #
  • RT @pudgehuckaby Success or failure of BIG ideas lies in the influence we have on the hundreds of ppl who execute these ideas -Business Week #
  • Out to lunch having an intense convo with @garethgilpin Only the best darn campus pastor I know. #
  • Any #kidmin tweeps know of a solid spanish curric for kids. We are doing a missions trip to the DR this summer. #cmconnect #
  • #squarespace is giving away a free iPhone a day for the next 30days. #
  • Free Book: Less Clutter. Less Noise by Kem Meyer #kidmin #cmconnect #church #
  • Check out who is giving away a free iPhone every day for a month spongebob #squarespace #
  • Not sure I'll have to check #
  • Chipotle I hear you calling my name in the distance. Fear not I am coming. #
  • Free Book: Less Clutter. Less Noise by Kem Meyer #kidmin #cmconnect #church #
  • About to pull my H(air)TML out. (Lord send Mt. Zion a web master…..please.) #
  • Heading home from albany campus. #kidmin #
  • In case I forgot #squarespace for today. Daddy needs a new iPhone #
  • Had a dream last night that I won an iPhone #squarespace #
  • About to start putting together this months 365family newsletter thanks @cultivatinghome for content. #
  • Having issues embedding Youtube videos after upgrading to WP 2.8. #
  • The trees of Upstate NY are crying as we make copies for our 252lesson this week. Kudos reThink. Amazing lesson BTW! #
  • Long day today trying to hammer out some stuff that has been lingering all week. #kidmin #
  • Thinking Woopra is broken because of big disparity in my blog stats. Or is it WP 2.8? My blog has been a bit glitchy. #
  • RT @langer123 When your memories exceed your dreams the end is near. – From Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast #
  • Working on 252basics July cheat sheets. #kidmin #

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