Happy Bloggy birthday to me.

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Well it’s official I am two years old today. I started blogging two years ago. I can’t believe time flies.

This blog for me has been an answer to a prayer I prayed 12 years ago that God would help me find some children’s pastors who believed in doing kids church the same crazy way God was challenging be to do it. I am so grateful everyone I have met in the past two years I have learned so much from each of you. Each of you have been an answer to prayer in ways you don’t even realize. I am so excited for those of you I have yet to meet and I am looking forward to the amazing journey God is taking us on together.

Blessings Sam

5 thoughts on “Happy Bloggy birthday to me.”

  1. Happy 2 year blogging Birthday. So out of the 2 years what are your top lessons or things you have gleamed from these past 2 years? This would make a great post to read.

  2. Woo hop! Happy Birthday. You and I had similar beginnings. In the early days it seemed like you and I were the only ones posting on each other’s blogs. Glad we’re still connected and even more so! Keep it up!

  3. Thank Goodness you were blog born.

    I wouldn’t have someone to look up to big blog brother.

    Except Dave who is like 8 years old and picks on us all.

    Ha ha.

    Keep having fun.


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