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I love working together with other churches and love hearing what God is doing in other churches and celebrating with them.

Like Hillsong I am a huge Lifechurch fan. I love their philosophy. I was blessed to meet Craig and was very impressed.

I had the opportunity yesterday of meeting with Josh and Sarah from the Lifechurch campus in Albany NY. It was great hearing how they are growing and reaching people for Christ. They were very gracious in answering all of our questions and it was just fun hearing the good things God is doing in and through them.

I, like Ed Young, love asking questions. Why? Because I don’t have all the answers and I want to more effective in all that we do in each of our 3 campus. So I asked loads of questions and had loads more as I thought about everything we talked about over lunch.

Sarah Kingsbury is the Children’s Pastor at the Lifechurch Albany Campus. She has a great heart and a real passion for reaching families for Christ.

They are actually doing a “Lifekids Wired” event this weekend. There will be lots of fun, games and prizes. So if you live in the Albany area and are looking for a good church make sure you check it. If you have a good church join me in praying for God to do amazing things for Sarah and her team this weekend.

1 thought on “Collaboration”

  1. Sarah Kingsbury is a stud and she is doing some amazing stuff up north. I can’t wait to hear how the event goes. If you’re in the area, you’ve got to check out in Albany. Josh and his team have got some sweet things going on.

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