
trustOne of the major things that God has been speaking to me during our time of prayer and fasting is trust. Can I trust Him no matter what? Trust comes through relationship.

I recently turned 33 on my birthday I received the greatest gift I could ever ask for. My wife asked my son why he loves his daddy. He said “Because he loves me”. That to me is the very essence of trust. I love him because I am secure in his love for me. Trust is born out of authentic relationship.

That same day in my devotions Brennan Manning wrote this.

The Lord hears the cry of the poor. When the armistice with self-hatred is signed and we embrace what we really are, the process of liberation begins. But so often we are afraid to do so because of the fear of rejection. Like Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame who thought he was hideous, we daub cosmetics and spiritual makeup on our misery and supposed ugliness to make ourselves appear presentable to God. This is not our true self. Authentic prayer calls us to rigorous honesty, to come out of hiding, to quit tring to seem impressive, to acknowledge our total dependance on God and the reality of our sinful situation. It is a moment of truth when defenses fall and the masks drop in an instinctive act of humility.

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.
2 Corinthians 8:21

Put you trust in the one who carried it all for you!

(One of my fellow bloggers, Hannah, also wrote a great article about Trust. On the same day as I did. Crazy cool. She has a great blog check it out.)

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