Reinventing the wheel of PreSchool Ministry. (4 of 4)

What is more important being Original or being Effective.

disney-rtm-500x344.jpgOne of the reasons I think that we are stuck with flannelgraph Jesus is we care more about NOT copying Disney at the cost of overall effectiveness.

I think for some reason we feel that to embrace any of Disney, Nickelodeon etc.. means embracing it all. One thing I think is significant is that Disney and Nickelodeon spend millions to learn how kids learn.

I don’t look at Disney and Nickelodeon as competition I look at them as my research and development department. The problem we have is by using the same powerful methods they use we feel that we are corrupting the message of the gospel.

What we need to ask ourselves is how do they package their message use some of those methods and replace their message with our message.

The place many of us get stuck on is the external stuff we can’t match Disney’s budget. But we can learn from Disney how they do things.

The bottom line is how we do children’s ministry must be willing to change. What must never change is the truth we communicate. How changes. What never changes.

I want to do children’s ministry in a way that is powerful, relevant and challenges kids to love God and love others.

10 thoughts on “Reinventing the wheel of PreSchool Ministry. (4 of 4)”

  1. I am so glad you said this! I agree !!! Lets learn from the success and creativity of others. We need to be relevent, up to date and FUN!

  2. I am so glad you said this! I agree !!! Lets learn from the success and creativity of others. We need to be relevent, up to date and FUN!

  3. So many kids grow up and go to college and leave the church. Why? Because church was boring! We have a huge responsibility to make sure that our kids grow up believing that Jesus and His message is NEVER boring! That a relationship with Jesus Christ is real and relevant to their life today.

    We should take advantage of the opportunity to learn from every expert out there that engages and captures the imagination and attention of children. Our message is so much more important than anything they communicate on Disney – why shouldn't we put as much effort as possible into how we communicate it?

    Our goal should be that children all over world wake their parents up on Sunday and begs them to go to church! There is 1 huge advantage that the church has over Disney when engaging children. Do you know what it is?

  4. So many kids grow up and go to college and leave the church. Why? Because church was boring! We have a huge responsibility to make sure that our kids grow up believing that Jesus and His message is NEVER boring! That a relationship with Jesus Christ is real and relevant to their life today.

    We should take advantage of the opportunity to learn from every expert out there that engages and captures the imagination and attention of children. Our message is so much more important than anything they communicate on Disney – why shouldn’t we put as much effort as possible into how we communicate it?

    Our goal should be that children all over world wake their parents up on Sunday and begs them to go to church! There is 1 huge advantage that the church has over Disney when engaging children. Do you know what it is?

  5. Kendra,

    Thanks for reading my blog and taking time to post. I agree. To often we make Jesus I blond hair, blue eyed, boring guy with a British accent. Church should be relevant, engaging, exciting. But never at the expense of the transformational truth of Christ.


  6. Kendra,

    Thanks for reading my blog and taking time to post. I agree. To often we make Jesus I blond hair, blue eyed, boring guy with a British accent. Church should be relevant, engaging, exciting. But never at the expense of the transformational truth of Christ.


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